Welcome to my world

I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend.
I've learned that who you have in your life matters more than what you have.
Thank you for stepping in to my world!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

kicking cancer's ass - day 76

Did you hear the story of ABC News reporter Amy Robach?  Her producers recently asked her to have her first mammogram (at age 40) live on Good Morning America to kick off GMA Goes Pink (October 1st).  She was healthy and had no family history of breast cancer, and yet doing that show saved her life.  She is having a bilateral mastectomy this week because her mammogram revealed cancer.


In that article, she says she was told that for every person who has cancer, at least 15 lives are saved.  You know why?  Because knowing someone with cancer makes you more vigilant.  It makes you more careful.  It makes you aware. So while more and more people around us are diagnosed with this horrible disease, maybe that many more people will have their lives saved because they were careful and went to their doctor.  Not all cancer will be detected, and not all cancer that is detected will be done so early enough, but I like to think that knowledge is power.  Knowing what to look for (and feel for) may just save your life one day.  So if you know someone with cancer, pray for them, help them if you can, but also learn from them.

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