Welcome to my world

I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend.
I've learned that who you have in your life matters more than what you have.
Thank you for stepping in to my world!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

kicking cancer's ass - day 67

Chemo kills cancer cells - no doubt about that. But laughter kills cancer blues, and sometimes that's more important.  Last night we spent a God-awful long time playing the family version of Trivial Pursuit (we gave up on the previous game considering most of the questions were too hard even for Hubby and me!).  I discovered this nifty kid-friendly version at Target (where I went in for one thing - this game - and ended up spending $150, but that's another story) and it has separate questions for adults and kids.  Hubby and I played individually answering the adult questions (Hubs knows about knitting - who knew??) and J answered the kid questions, along with K and her BFF (also a K) who played as a team.  It took forever and a day to actually finish this game, but it was so much fun to sit around and laugh until we were sweating and our bellies hurt.  Trivia has never been so entertaining.  Laughter was my medicine of choice this Saturday night.
(In case you're wondering, J was the victor.)

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