Welcome to my world

I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend.
I've learned that who you have in your life matters more than what you have.
Thank you for stepping in to my world!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Kicking cancer's ass - day 1512

October 17 - Approximately every 2 minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, and 1 woman will die of breast cancer every 13 minutes.

The truth hurts.

It's a mystery to me how we (the human race) have made such incredible strides in curing all kinds of diseases and yet the above fact remains true.  Cancer, not just breast cancer, is SO prevalent in the world and sometimes it seems there's no stopping it. 

How can we discover planets and galaxies millions of light years away from Earth, but we can't figure out a way to stop one tiny malignant cell from multiplying?  We can create vehicles that practically drive themselves, build gigantic machines that fly through the sky, invent the incredible online world that ties us all together called the internet.... and yet we have no cure for a disease that kills people every few minutes.  It's mind boggling.

I've been struggling lately.  Not physically, and not because of myself.  I'm fine, I promise.
But some people I know... they are not fine. 

One of my KCA sisters who I see in Vegas every year.... her cancer has returned with a vengeance.  It's migrating from lymph node to lymph node, and now it's in her brain.  She's not much older than me.

Another of my KCA sisters is also dealing with Stage IV breast cancer that seems resistant to every treatment they are throwing at it.  Her first recurrence was in her cheekbone.  What.The.Hell.   Now she has mets (cancer that has spread) throughout her body.  She's tired and weary of the fight, but still forging on.  She's younger than me.

My mom's good friend, a lady who I've known my entire life, is also living with Stage IV cancer that her treatment isn't touching.  This lady lives a healthier and more active lifestyle at 70 years old than most of my friends my age.  And yet cancer is taking over her body.

My good friend Kathryn is in the hospital right now dealing with cellulitis and sepsis.... complications from surviving cancer.  If she hadn't been on the ball and gotten to the hospital as quickly as she did, she would have probably had a very bad outcome.

I hate that so many of my loved ones are suffering because of this horrible disease.  Breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer..... I don't care which one.  They all suck.  And they are all hitting too close to home.

I despise being a "woe is me" person, though.  Despite all of the tragedies in the world, life does indeed go on.  I can pray for those who are hurting.   I can worry about my own future.  And I can grieve for the ones who have no hope.  But then I have to pick myself up and forge ahead.  I have to do my best to keep myself healthy.  I have to enjoy the time I have with my family and friends, doing the things that I enjoy.  And I have to continue to find hope wherever I can.

Yesterday I found it in the parking lot at work.

This isn't a pretty pink ribbon printed on a cup, or ironed onto a shirt.  There is no "save the ta tas" (ugh) message with it.
It was just a piece of wire, laying on the asphalt next to my car.  God's way of sending me a little hope... .a little faith....a little more strength when I needed it.

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