Welcome to my world

I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend.
I've learned that who you have in your life matters more than what you have.
Thank you for stepping in to my world!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Kicking cancer's ass - day 1888

Stop now. Enjoy the moment. It’s now or never.
~Maxime Lagacé 

What technology are you grateful for?

I probably write almost this same exact post every year, but for me the answer is simple:  the internet.

My life would be vastly different without the internet. 
Without the internet:

~I would never have met my husband. 💗
~I would never have met my "online" friends.... the ones who shared the joys of pregnancy with me, the challenges of motherhood with me and the ones who have helped me survive breast cancer.  💛
~I would not find it as easy to keep in touch with family and friends I don't get to see often.  💚
~I would not see my UPS driver every day  😄
~I would not have this amazing outlet to share my words.

I can't imagine a life without the chat room (remember those) where I met my hubby over eighteen years ago.
I can't imagine a life without my Babycenter friends, without my Bellas and without my KCA sisters.
I can't imagine going through breast cancer without the unlimited knowledge available online at my fingertips.
I can't imagine a world without the convenience of online banking, online shopping, online travel sites, etc.
I can't imagine trying to help my children through thirteen years of school without Google. 

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