Welcome to my world

I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend.
I've learned that who you have in your life matters more than what you have.
Thank you for stepping in to my world!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Kicking cancer's ass - day 1808

As a spinoff from my post the other day, not only is August bipolar for me, this WEEK in August is bipolar.

This week the world celebrates three of my favorite things:

Today, August 9th, my mom will celebrate her hubby's birthday with him.  He is a warm, caring, hardworking man and we wish him a happy day!

Today, August 9th, we remember Hubby's mom Floy, as she passed away on this day eight years ago.  She was a warm, caring, selfless woman who gave the term "mother-in-law" a good name. 

Life is full of ups and downs.... I know that.... I just wish there weren't so many ups and downs at the same time!

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