Welcome to my world

I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend.
I've learned that who you have in your life matters more than what you have.
Thank you for stepping in to my world!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Kicking cancer's ass - day 205

All I can say is HALLELUJAH!!!! 

First of all, the lump that Hubby had removed from his tongue that made him get 24 stitches?  It's still extremely painful, BUT IT'S NOT CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!  Doctor said it was fine.  Thank you, God.

After an entire week of working nonstop, ignoring the dishes, my pet, my husband and my kids, I think I finally have a schedule for softball.  I'm sure there will be tweaks along the way, but right now I am DONE.  Tomorrow is our opening ceremonies (technically today since it's 1:30am) and I'm going to enjoy some softball games.

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