Well, once again, another midnight has come and gone and I haven't posted my blog.
I'm happy to say the softball schedule is done. Not written in stone, of course... more like written in my blood, sweat & tears! I can't even tell you how much time I've devoted to this in the past week. I've had dishes in the sink for three days that Hubby finally washed despite his hydrocodone fog. I have laundry in the dryer that is probably so wrinkled I will have to wash it again. I haven't spent any time with my kids other than to yell at them to do something or not do something...... The pressure was on and I don't like the person I've been this week.
However, tomorrow is a new day. I know it won't be a pleasant one when the coaches all wake up to find the schedule waiting in their inbox. This was a ton, I mean a TON of hard work for me and very time-consuming, so all complaints will be directed toward someone else. My back hurts, my eyes hurt, my brain hurts. I won't let my feelings get hurt, too.
On a positive note, K's team had an impromptu scrimmage tonight during practice. K had a fantastic day at catcher, making three outs at home plate including a double play (caught a pop fly & tagged the runner out). Of course I missed all the fun because I was at a board meeting upstairs... but I heard about it. Games start next week and I'm ready to WATCH some softball instead of working my fingers and brain to the bone getting READY for softball.
It's 1:09am and I'm turning into a pumpkin. Sweet dreams, all. I'll update about my non-radiation appointment tomorrow.
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