Welcome to my world

I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend.
I've learned that who you have in your life matters more than what you have.
Thank you for stepping in to my world!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

kicking cancer's ass - day 69

I'm tired.  You've probably said that at least once in your life, but I don't think you can understand chemo tired unless you've been there, done that.  As a mom, I thought I knew tired.  I did the sleepless nights with a newborn - twice.  I've been up all night with a sick kid more than once.  This is different.  It's not like any of that.  It's not the "oh, let me go to bed early because I'm sleepy" tired, or the "I worked too hard today and have no energy" tired.  It's the kind of tired that goes bone deep - just walking to the kitchen or even standing long enough to brush my teeth drains me.  It's the feeling that you need a nap two hours after you wake up in the morning.  It's feeling like you need toothpicks to keep your eyes open one more minute and then you realize it's only 8pm.  Grocery shopping is a cardio workout for me simply because pushing the cart and walking that much is exhausting.  The fatigue of over two months of chemo treatments is extreme.   Crazily enough, life as a working mom of two goes on... and there are still lunches to pack, laundry to fold, bills to pay, errands to run, children to feed, dishes to wash, homework to check and a job to do.  Oh, and a blog to write!  <yawn>

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