For real. This is my life. Was it really AUGUST the last time I posted anything? Yikes.
That's not good. I miss my blog. I miss having TIME for my blog. Maybe that will be my New Year's resolution....find the time.
It's been a crazy few months. I have one kid in his last year of high school (sniff) and one kid in her last year before high school. How did that happen??
J's senior year so far has been, as he would say, "easy peasy". He gets out at 2pm every day... giving him plenty of time to spend with his girlfriend. Yep.... you heard me. GIRLFRIEND! Luckily my son has excellent taste and his first foray into the relationship world has been a good one. B is cute and smart and talented and so sweet. We love her. She's also in band and plays bass clarinet (same instrument K plays). Pretty neat.
This was them before the Homecoming dance:
I made it to all except one of J's pep rallies. Here we are after the Pink Out pep rally:
Band has been such a big part of J's high school experience and I'm SO thankful. He's made some really good friends, hooked up with his girl, and gave us many, many amazing performances to watch. Here's this year's show, which earned them a Division 1 rating at All Region and a trip to the Area round:
J also earned his second letter for academics for his junior year. Handsome AND smart! I love my kid. He was fitted yesterday for his band letter jacket, too.
The reason I had to miss J's last pep rally is because cancer really is the gift that keeps on giving. For the first time since I was diagnosed with lymphedema 2.5 years ago, I developed a dangerous infection called cellulitis. My arm turned red, was hot, I felt like I had the flu.... it was awful. I ended up in the emergency room getting fluids and IV antibiotics, and they sent me home with prescriptions for two antibiotics and pain meds. Fun times.
I really, really hate lymphedema . I hate my arm. I hate having to wear compression. I hate that nothing I really do makes it better. I hate that my surgery for it didn't work. I HATE IT.
I know I'm lucky. Some have it much, much worse. But still... this is MY cross to bear, and I.HATE.IT!
In Septmber we went to a Dallas Cowboys game. We had shirts made in honor of my brother (the back says "Doomsday D", which was his fantasy football team name), and we even spread some of his ashes beside one of the trees outside the stadium. I really miss my big brother.
The first weekend of October was the 8th annual Hope for a Cure tournament. Not only did my girls look sharp sporting their pink, but they played sharp! Lady Diamonds took home third place in the tournament. Have I mentioned that I love being a softball mom?
October 15th marked eighteen years of marriage to this guy. He is my favorite, my best friend, my rock. He teases me and makes me laugh and holds me when I cry. I don't know how I would have gotten through most of the last two decades without him by my side. Happy Anniversary to us!
My daughter has the busiest social calendar of anyone I know. She plays travel softball. She plays tennis for school. She's in band. She's in DI (Destination Imagination). She's taking two advanced classes this year AND she added theater arts. Did I mention she's in a school musical, too? I swear, if I'm not picking her up from somewhere or taking her somewhere, then I'm somewhere doing something WITH her. She is a shining star in everything she does, and has a heart of gold.

She also got her braces off! Finally after almost 3 years total. What a beautiful girl with a gorgeous smile! Daddy get the shotgun ready!

Even though it's fall, I've been on a spring cleaning kick. My car is full of bags and bags of stuff to donate to Mission Thanksgiving tomorrow.
It's really amazing how easy it is to accumulate so much STUFF. I have cleaned out the garage (ick... that was a chore), the coat closet, the linen closet, my bedroom closet and part of my laundry room. I love having things organized and not cluttered, but man I'm exhausted!
Next week is Thanksgiving, which is also my son's 18th birthday. Gulp. As one of my friends said today about her daughter's birthday, "The days are long but the years are short." Don't blink.
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