As with all couples, we have seen our share of ups and downs. We've celebrated births and we've comforted each other through losses. In sickness and in health, in good times and bad, through it all, my husband has been my biggest supporter, my shoulder to cry on, the one who makes me laugh (and the one who picks on me!)....the one constant in a life that is forever changing.
We may not be perfect, but we are perfect for each other.
Thank you for loving me no matter what.
Happy 17th Anniversary. I love you. 💑
October 15 is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.
I don't talk about it a lot, but way before breast cancer, I was a statistic. I was 1 in 4.
Both of my children are what they call "rainbow babies"..... babies conceived after a loss. One month after my first miscarriage I became pregnant with J. Six months after my second miscarriage I became pregnant with K. I can't imagine life without the two greatest joys in my world, but there's a part of my heart that will always hurt for the two babies who never got to be.
If you are 1 in 4.... I feel your pain. I've been there, I never wanted to be there, but there is hope after loss.
October 15 is also a special day for another reason...... it's Allyson Hendrickson's birthday!
Allyson has been in heaven for four years, but she is never far from my thoughts.
Allyson, on top of celebrating my love for my husband, today I celebrate you. You came into my life when I was desperate for a "mommy" friend, and you stayed through the worst time I could ever imagine. You made me laugh, you made life fun, and my world is not the same without you in it.
Happy Birthday in heaven, my friend. You were one in a million.
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