Welcome to my world

I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend.
I've learned that who you have in your life matters more than what you have.
Thank you for stepping in to my world!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Kicking cancer's ass - day 1435

Four years ago today.... d day.

I was at Family Life Center at First Baptist Church and my kids were roller skating.  When my phone rang and I saw my doctor's number, I knew.  She tried to go easy on me, asking if I wanted to come in to meet with her. I remember telling her "just say it".  Her response was, "It's not good."

I wasn't surprised.  I knew the instant I found the lump weeks earlier that it was going to be cancer.  There was no doubt in my mind.  I was on vacation with my kids, and then meeting Hubby in Kentucky for a softball tournament before heading home, so I had to pretend for several weeks.  Pretend that life was good, that I was fine, that I didn't have something unwanted growing inside me.  So getting the call that confirmed my fears wasn't a shock, but I don't think anyone is ever prepared to hear

you have cancer

Life as we knew it was forever changed.  My world would soon revolve around doctor visits, medications and test after test.  We learned through ultrasound that there were actually two tumors, and MRI showed cancer in my lymph nodes.  This was not going to be a walk in the park.  My genetic testing came back positive, so my doctors went into full battle mode.... we had to treat this aggressively.

Sixteen weeks of some of the harshest chemo out there....six weeks of radiation....seven surgeries in two years.... and now at least ten years of hormone therapy to keep cancer away.

I don't regret anything I've done in my battle with cancer.  I knew I would want to look back and know that I did everything I possibly could to make it go away and stay away.    It was no picnic, and even now four years later I am still feeling the effects of chemo and surgeries.  
But I showed cancer who was boss.

Thanks to the support of my amazing Hubby, I always get back up.

Happy 4th Cancer-versary to me!

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