Of course I've weeded through toys and clothes semi-regularly, and we've replaced furniture and appliances as needed. But still.... there is SO.MUCH.STUFF!
We decided to replace our carpet and bathroom floors recently, which means basically packing up all of your belongings as if you were moving. The floor guys will move furniture, but not personal items, anything fragile or electronics. So.... in order to pack, we had to weed through the mountains of stuff that we had lying around the house. The kids' rooms (especially the closets) were the worst.
You thought I was kidding, right?
Granted, that picture was about midway through emptying out his closet, but still. How much junk does a teenage boy need???
That was after the clean-up (clean OUT??) - before new floor.
And the finished product:
We went with vinyl floor instead of carpet in his room because J is allergic to... well... everything.
K's room looked pretty much the same as J's did when we were weeding through the mess. I didn't take a picture, but you can imagine - books, toys, stuffed animals, dvds, shoes, more stuffed animals.....
Here her room is before new carpet:
And after (with a little rearranging, too):
Our bedroom didn't have quite the clutter as the kids' rooms, but the closet came close.
Now it's all fresh and clean:
During the whole new flooring adventure, all of my stuff was confined to the garage and this little corner of my dining room (where I was also confined during the 2.5 days it took to complete):
And just to make things interesting, we had our new range delivered right in the midst of everything.
I always wanted a double oven, and I love, love, love it!
Here's the living room before:

Getting there....
The carpet ended up looking more brown than I had planned after it was installed,
but overall I'm very pleased.
but overall I'm very pleased.
And the bathrooms - before and after:

I've never had to pack up an entire house to move (only a small apartment), and I'm not looking forward to doing so anytime soon. (Unless we win the lottery and I get my beach house!) I still have containers of stuff yet to be put away. The clutter in my dining room, laundry room and garage is getting to me, so it's only a matter of time before everything finds its home again.
Hubby's brother asked him if there was anything original left in the house (Hubby built the house 10 years before I moved here). He joked that he was the only thing left! ha ha
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