K loves our elf. I mean loves our elf. She started counting down in November, saying she couldn't wait until Heart gets here. She asks me every night if I will wake her up early so she can look for Heart. The joy she gets from this silly little tradition is amazing. Even my fourteen year old asks every morning, "Where's Heart?".
That's the part I love.
The parts I hate? Having to a) remember to move the darn elf every night (which I mostly do thanks to the reminder on my phone!), b) staying up later than my kids, which isn't always easy! and c) thinking of new and creative things for Heart to do. Ugh.
I've seen a lot of ideas passed on through Facebook and Pinterest. There are a lot of desperate elf owners out there. We've done the roasting marshmallows over a candle bit. Heart has made minions on the bananas with a Sharpie. Last year she toilet papered our Christmas tree. But frankly, who has the time for most of that? I just don't have a miniature toothbrush hanging around so our elf can pretend to brush her teeth. I don't want to sit and build a fort out of Legos so she can have a snowball fight with marshmallows. Our house is only so big, and this is our third year of Heart appearances, so I'm running out of places for her to creatively hide.
Bah Humbug.
This morning Heart was taking in the sunrise from our front door.
Cute, right?
Too bad I still have eighteen more ideas to come up with.
Stupid elf on a shelf.

If only Hubby would let me have a fire in the fireplace, our Christmas card scene would be complete.
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