Most people just sign their child up, pay the fee and then show up when and where they are told to. I am up to my ears in registration forms, entering information in the computer, trying to keep the web site and Facebook up to date, Hubby is overseeing finding coaches for all of the teams we'll have which has been a ton of work, and Madam President has had her phone practically explode from all of the texts, calls and emails about this stuff. She's been meeting people all over town to take registrations, dealing with the city since our league uses a city park, handling the money, etc. We've had six registration sessions (one of which was in a building with no heat and it was 20 degrees outside - that was fun) and two player preview (tryout) days over the last few weeks which have taken up hours of our time. I'm not trying to toot my own horn because I've done way less work with all of this than Hubby and my friend K have, but the three of us have been bombarded with softball league business. We're so appreciative when someone else steps up to help organize, collect forms, seek out sponsors... whatever.

Move over cancer - it's (almost) softball season!
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