Here's my little baseball player. K's team did great! Although "great" is a relative term when you hit off of a tee, outs don't really count and you don't keep score. They made an attempt to put the players in "positions" but it's hard when the ball is only hit 10 feet and every infielder converges on it. Getting someone out pretty much consisted of fighting the other players for the ball and then racing the batter to first base. The game lasted all of an hour, which in actuality is a
VERY LONG TIME when you're trying to keep ten 3 & 4 year olds interested in something other than if they are getting sno-cones after the game.

One of the boys came running into the dugout after scoring and he yelled, "This is AWESOME!". My daughter, on the other hand, sat down and said, "This isn't like what I expected." I asked her what she thought it would be like, and she said, "Like Jared's." Of course, her brother is in his fifth year of playing so he's now in REAL baseball with kids pitching and base-stealing. I can see how K was a bit disappointed. Unfortunately she inherited her brother's talent for standing in one spot just WAITING for the ball to come to her. Since she was playing in between first and second base and only about three balls made it that far the entire game, it was slim pickings in the field for #12.
She did enjoy the pink bubblegum sno cone with Daddy after the game. It's all in what motivates us, right?
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