I guess it's been a while since I've written a post. I missed Thanksgiving. I missed J's birthday. I missed Christmas. I missed New Year's Eve. All things I would normally write something about.
I could say that life gets in the way and I've been busy... both of which are true. If you don't believe me, spend three days chauffering my teenage daughter to her various activities or to this friend's house or to spend the night at this friend's house.
K's social life aside, I think the main reason I haven't wanted to take the time to share my thoughts is that I've let anxiety take over and it has to do with politics of all things. It has really thrown me for a loop because I am not an anxious person. The only time in my life that stress took over was when I was diagnosed with cancer, which I would say is understandable. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't even talk to anyone for a month. I wouldn't compare how I feel now to how I felt then. It's not that I'm stressed about my life, I'm stressed about my world. I live in conservative west Texas and I like it! The changes that are on our country's horizon have me FREAKED OUT.
I am probably one of the least political people I know. Or at least I was. I've voted in elections since I was old enough to, and I can even tell you who my city's mayor is. But I've honestly never had much interest in political news or current events that didn't directly affect me. Hubby used to watch the local and national news religiously. Every. Single. Night. No more. Ever since COVID-19 came into the world's spotlight, he has not watched the news once (which means I haven't either). I don't blame him. It's just a bunch of he said, she said, blah blah blah.
The 2020 Presidential election has affected me greatly. The weekend before voting day I was a mess. Couldn't sleep and riddled with anxious thoughts. Rightly so. The candidate I voted for, my President Trump, was not certified as the winner. Ok.... so what, right? Every election has millions of people upset over not winning. But never before has there been such a DIVIDE... probably not since President Lincoln and the Civil War. It's no longer a case of "same old, same old" with a few new policies and new faces running the show. These are not two sides of the same coin. We are talking freedom versus socialism. Light versus dark.
At this point, I feel like i should stress that these are MY thoughts, MY feelings, MY beliefs. You may agree with some of them or all of them You may agree with none and think I am a brainwashed, batshit crazy lady who should be in a padded cell with other conspiracy theorists. I don't care. This is MY blog and the issues surrounding this election are affecting me greatly and I just need to get it all out.
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If you don't believe there was fraud in this election, you can stop reading. You won't care what I have to say. If you can ignore all of the affidavits and the videos and people ADMITTING on social media that they committed this fraud, just carry on about your business and have a nice day. If you are adamant that there was not fraud, I have one question for you... why are you opposed to an investigation? Why are you unwilling to see or hear what others are saying is going on? If it was all legit, then what's the problem in looking into it?
How can you ignore that several states stopped counting ballots on election night... which NEVER happens.... for HOURS... and then when the counting resumed, ALL of the votes were for one candidate?
How can you ignore the videos of news coverage, time stamped, showing an exact number of votes being deducted from one candidate and that same amount added to the other? This is not made up stuff. There are numerous sources from numerous news feeds on election night that show this happening in different states. I have never seen a candidate's vote tally decrease at any time during the counting in any election, and the fact that it happened in several states, and the other candidate's tally was increased by the SAME EXACT AMOUNT at the SAME EXACT TIME... that's not suspicious????
How can you believe that 100% of the mail in military ballots in Georgia were for the same candidate? Every single one voted the same?
How can you believe that states can certify their elections when there are proven deceased voters, out of state voters, duplicate voters? I saw a picture today of a man holding his Florida voter ID card and the ballot he received in the mail from the state of Georgia.
How can you explain random trucks showing up to election headquarters in the middle of the night and delivering boxes of unlabeled ballots? How can you explain suitcases full of ballots? How can you explain videos showing election workers scanning the same ballot two, three, four, five times? How can you explain how Dominion voting machines are not connected to the internet, therefore they are safe, and yet someone can hack into one while TESTIFYING that it is possible?
If you can explain all of that (and that's just the tip of the iceberg), then maybe you'd have a snowball's chance in hell of convincing me there was no fraud.
Look at Joe Biden's social media accounts. Look at Donald Trump's. See the difference?
Look at videos of the two candidate's campaign rallies. Talk about feast or famine.
According to the election results, Donald Trump received 10 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. And yet you want me to believe that Joe Biden received 10 million more than that?? More than any president in history, including Obama? That is an impossible pill to swallow.
I love my country and I feel like it is being destroyed from the inside out.
No offense to anyone who voted for him, but Joe Biden is a bumbling, bordering on senile idiot who has done nothing in his five decades of service to our country except get rich. He is sleazy and corrupt and cannot even speak in coherent sentences. I fully believe that he is a puppet for the liberal Democratic party and Kamala Harris is the true choice. I believe that the plan all along has been for Biden, a known "figure" in politics, to run the ticket, only to be deemed unfit or step down, paving the way for radical newbie Harris.
This all scares the CRAP out of me.
I don't live in California for a reason. Well, mostly because Hubby lives in Texas, but still.... have you SEEN what happens in California? That's our future under Kamala Harris.
I have never really identified with either political party... I have always voted for the candidate I agreed with most on issues important to me. Sometimes that was a Democrat (Clinton, Obama 😡), sometimes that was a republican (Bush, Trump). The older I get, and the more divided our country becomes, I find myself leaning WAY away from liberal Democrats and realize I am a conservative. My dad would be proud. I may have spent my first two decades living in liberal New York, but the last two decades spent living in conservative, God-fearing, Republican west Texas have opened my eyes to my core values, and they are NOT liberal.
Since election day I have spent more and more time researching, reading, following people on Facebook and Twitter and joining groups who share my beliefs. (Sorry, had a big chemo brain moment right there and could NOT think of the words I wanted to use.) There are a lot of crazy theories and stories and reports and developments going on in our country these days, and I won't even try to make sense of them or do this in any kind of order... but I have to get my thoughts down, if for nothing else than my peace of mind. I'd like to get rid of this political stress and actually sleep at night. Maybe this will help.
Let me backtrack a little bit.... COVID-19. Is it real? Yes, I believe it is. I believe I had it last January before anyone here had even heard of it. I had all of the classic symptoms. Fever, worst headache ever, cough that lasted for weeks, severe exhaustion. My flu and strep tests were negative. My hubby had it in November. It's a virus, and it's a scary, unknown virus, and it can kill people. I get all that. What I *don't* get is why our entire world is turned upside down for a virus that over 99% of the people who contract it will survive.
I have a doctor friend at a local hospital and he has had patients die of COVID. I believe him. However.... only one of those recent patients weighed under 400 lbs. So is it safe to assume that just about any serious illness, virus or condition would also have killed them? How many COVID deaths had "underlying conditions"? My guess? Most of them. All the media blasts us with are the rising COVID cases, the death toll, etc. You know what? Go to cdc.gov. Look at deaths per year. I'll wait. In fact, let me help you:
The CDC reported 2,712,630 deaths in the U.S. in 2015, 2,744,248 in 2016, 2,813,503 in 2017, and 2,839,205 in 2018. While the final numbers for 2019 have not been released, the CDC’s provisional count for the year — 2,855,000 — comes close to the chart’s 2,900,689 figure. The chart’s 2,487,350 figure leading up to the week of Nov. 16, 2020, reflects CDC data.
Granted, there were probably tens of thousands of deaths in the last six weeks of 2020. And I believe I read that the cdc charts begin on Feb 1 (not sure why). Given that, if you average the Nov 16 total according to the number of weeks, and then add in 10 weeks for January and the end of 2020, the total would be around 3,079,000. Please hear me. I am NOT making light of three million Americans dying. I'm not. But the way our country has shut down, causing people to lose money, jobs, businesses and homes, and causing who knows how much damage to their physical and mental health, you would think that number would be double what it is.
Also, take a look at this:
There are a ton of jokes and memes going around that someone died in a car accident but it was blamed on COVID, or someone died from liver cancer but it was recorded as COVID. I don't know if I believe all that. But if you consider what that post says.... COVID, influenza (flu) and pneumonia are now all lumped together. So if you died from the flu in 2020, chances are it was recorded as COVID. If you had pneumonia that you couldn't recover from, chances are it was counted as a COVID death.
That, my friends, is a scare tactic. Look up how many cases of the flu there have been since September. Or should I say how many there HAVEN'T been. Why? Because they are being counted as COVID.
I completely went off on a tangent there, but I do have a point. I believe COVID is real. I believe it is a virus that threatens the health of millions of people. I also believe it was purposely created in a lab in Wuhan, China, and purposely released into the world's population as a political weapon. If you do just the tiniest bit of research into the Wuhan lab and COVID, some familiar names will pop up. Bill Gates. Barack Obama. Dr. Fauci. It is NOT a coincidence that this happened in an election year when there are tons of career politicians who are desperate to get rid of President Trump. Joe Biden even said, back in October 2019:
We are not prepared for a pandemic. Trump has rolled back progress President Obama and I made to strengthen global health security. We need leadership that builds public trust, focuses on real threats, and mobilizes the world to stop outbreaks before they reach our shores.
Where the heck did talk of a pandemic come from? From 2002-2004, SARS had a 15% mortality rate. In 2009, the H1N1 mortality rate in the US was 2%. The COVID death rate in the US is under half a percent. So why was the word "pandemic" being thrown around a year ago?
That is not a coincidence.

Do you wear a mask? If so, why? If not, why not? Most of my friends, both here in my town and online, are staunch defenders of wearing masks. For the most part I do wear one, especially where required. When I don't wear one, it's not because I'm selfish. I don't mostly because I live in Texas and a lot of places don't require it. Also, I believe they don't really work like we're told they do. Citizens have been "mandated" to wear masks for almost a year. Granted, not everyone does and not everyone who does wears them correctly.... but wouldn't you think even partial success would have helped slow the spread of COVID? Even a little? After 9 months of masks and social distancing? Read that article above. My son and his girlfriend are the most diligent mask-wearers I know. Honestly they don't go ANYWHERE without one. She even wears hers in the car in a drive thru. And yet she currently has COVID. Also, I do my research. There is a study from China (yes, the same region where COVID originated) from about six months ago, involving 10 MILLION people. You know what the conclusion was? Asymptomatic spreading of COVID is basically nonexistent. Look it up.
"A mass screening programme of more than 10 million residents of Wuhan, China, performed after SARS-CoV-2 was brought under control, has identified 300 asymptomatic cases of covid-19, none of which was infectious"
300 asymptomatic cases out of 10 MILLION people, NONE of which were contagious. So if I haven't tested positive for COVID and I feel 100% healthy, why do I need to wear a mask to prevent the spread of a virus I don't have? I am not a selfish rule-breaker, though. If I'm going someplace where it is required, I wear it out of respect for that establishment. If I'm sick, I stay home.
Some food for thought:
Then there's this that happened yesterday:
Apparently a Democratic congresswoman flew to DC so she could cast her vote for Nancy Pelosi, even though she tested positive for COVID a week ago. My son is currently having to quarantine from work for fourteen days, for the second time, simply because he was in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID. And yet this is ok? This woman can be in public, on a PLANE, and going to Congress, because why?
Are you getting out your tinfoil hat yet to join me on the dark side? No? Well there's more...
Case in point: The most recent "stimulus package" approved by Congress, which included COVID relief for Americans? It contained $186 billion for the people of the US. $600 per person. It also contained over $700 BILLION in money being sent to foreign countries. What? Our country is in the middle of a pandemic that has shut us down for almost a year. Citizens are dying. They are losing their livelihoods. And yet our government is sending quadruple the amount of money overseas????
Our government has turned into the most corrupt, sinister institution. Notice I said "government". Not just Democrats. It's across the board. Money changes hands, bribes are taken, judges are bought, rules are broken and we are none the wiser. I'm sure this happens everywhere, and has been happening here for a long, long time. But never to the scale it's on now. Did you ever stop to wonder how all of these "career politicians" become millionaires? Yes, they have great benefits and salaries aren't too shabby. But look at Nancy Pelosi. Her salary is $174,000. Her net worth is listed at $160 MILLION. I can guarantee she is not worth that much because she's a penny pincher who knows how to invest better than the most savvy financial advisor.
The future of our country scares me right now. And I do blame most of that on the liberal Democrats. Have you read about schools being renamed because they represented an offensive time or person in history? Have you heard about the Washington Football Team? No longer the "Redskins" because that's offensive. Statues are being removed, streets are being renamed, history is being ERASED simply because it's offensive. Well you know what? Your being offended about that offends ME! You can't erase history. Just because you wipe a chapter from a history book or take down a statue doesn't mean it didn't happen. It's like a text message. Say you text me and call me a crazy, selfish Trumper. I take offense, and you delete the text. SO????? IT STILL HAPPENED!
America was founded on some core values, including "IN GOD WE TRUST". Why is that God so offensive? We have freedom of religion. You want to be Jewish? Buddist? Athiest? Go right ahead. But removing America's God from American lives should not be up to you.
Which brings me to immigration. I am the daughter of an immigrant. My dad and his family came through Ellis Island. He fought for his country in Vietnam BEFORE he was even a US citizen! Six years ago he had a heart attack and stroke, caused by his exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. He went from working a full time job, fishing, bowling, golfing and being active in his church to walking with a walker and being unable to care for himself, and yet the VA only qualifies him as 30% disabled. So you want to talk about immigrants and illegals? I have a BIG problem with people coming to this country for freebies when this country won't even take care of its own... someone like my dad who has been nothing but a law abiding citizen who served our country honorably. If you want to live here because your country sucks? Fine. Become a citizen like my dad did. Speaking of that latest COVID relief bill.... did you know that families of illegal aliens will get a check? But my son, a 19 year old grocery store worker who has been a US citizen since he was born, will not receive anything, simply because we claimed him on our taxes and he's older than 17.

Some more crazy leftist shit (pardon my language):
Excuse me? I know this is only in Washington DC, but what's to say it won't happen everywhere? You're telling me you can vaccinate my child, without my knowledge, and also require that information to be withheld from me? So you give my kid a vaccine at school.... they come home with a severe allergic reaction. I rush them to the emergency room but I can't give any information because I don't know what happened because YOU VACCINATED MY CHILD WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE!!!
Have you heard about the law passed in Oregon that legalized drugs like heroin? Why?? Because they believe it's better to "rehabilitate" the criminals instead of putting them in jail.
Have you heard about the bill being discussed which would allow transgender people to use whichever restroom they want? You know what that means? My daughter is fourteen years old, and you're telling me you'd let an eighteen year old boy use the same restroom as her in school because he identifies as a girl? Are you for real? I admit I don't understand the whole transgender, asexual, non binary stuff (referring to someone as "they" because they are not male or female?), but I have no problem with you loving who you love. What I do have a problem with is putting my daughter at risk because of "rights" of grown ass men.

How about that one? From the great state of New York. A bill to basically give the government the right to detain its citizens if they pose a health threat. Say what?? You know what that sounds like?
(cue the tinfoil hat again)
You think I'm kidding. What are the Democrats always screaming about? Gun control. They've already removed God from most public places, including government institutions. Throughout this COVID crisis they have prohibited people from attending churches and other public gatherings. Statues are being torn down left and right. We already discussed the erasing history part. Defunding the police? Yep, that's happening. Just ask Oregon how that's going. Our country, thanks mostly to the media, has been living in fear for months. People are afraid to go out. They are afraid to visit family. They are afraid to get a virus that most recover from fairly easily. They are afraid, afraid, afraid. And if you disagree? You are censored, ridiculed, called selfish and a conspiracy theorist and are accused of cult mentality.

I have many friends, mostly due to living in Texas, who feel the same way I do. Thank God. I have family and friends who feel the exact opposite of me. I respect their right to feel that way, but I 100% do not understand it.
There's been a letter circulating on Facebook written by rocker Ted Nugent to Joe Biden, and I'm going to share it:
Dear Vice President Biden,
Although I refused to listen to it, I understand that during your presidential acceptance speech, you were calling for the unity of Trump supporters.
I remember four years ago my President Trump also called for unity. I remember how Congressional members of your Democratic Party responded by boycotting his inauguration. I remember how you and your Democratic party cheated and used the greatest law enforcement institution of this country to spy on my President Trump's campaign. I remember how you and your Democratic Party created a fake Russian dossier to try and impeach my President Trump. I remember how your speaker of the house ripped up my President Trump's beautiful State of the Union speech on National TV. I remember how you and your Democratic Party tried to impeach my President Trump over a Ukraine phone call. You accused my President Trump of pay to play. Come to find out Joe, it was really you and your son Hunter.
I remember how you and your Democratic Party blamed my President Trump over a pandemic that he had nothing to do with. I remember how you and your Democratic Party encouraged rioting and looting of my great United States of America. I remember how you and your Democratic Party used the media to spread lie after lie about my President Trump. I remember how you and your Democratic Party stole the election from my President Trump. This Trump supporter remembers all that Joe, and will NOT be unifying with your Democratic Party. Your abject criminal dishonesty is treasonous. You belong in prison along with the rest of the Swamp.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
For any Democrat, whether it's Joe Biden or Mrs. Smith next door, to call for "unity" after unleashing hell on the current president for the last four years is insulting and laughable.
I've said this all along, and I'll say it again. There may have been a handful of people in this country who truly believe Joe Biden is the best man for the job. The rest who voted for him did so because they hate President Trump.
Do I like Donald Trump? Not really. He's an arrogant buffoon with no filter and thinks he can do no wrong. He should have had his Twitter account taken away the day after he took office, and he probably gives his public relations people ulcers by the hour. He probably hasn't always been a faithful husband or doting father... I don't know. But if you're going to judge his character, let me return the favor. Have you seen the hundreds of pictures floating around on the internet of Joe Biden touching and sniffing women and girls? It's disgusting. Have you seen the pictures of when Kamala Harris was a call girl? Of course who knows what's true, but hello pot, meet kettle.

If you don't admire the fact that Donald Trump gave up his cushy lifestyle to work for the American people FOR FREE, donating his salary, while taking heaps of insults and abuse over the last four years, then you're not very American. I have thought about this alot.... why? WHY would he put himself, and his family, through this??? Yes he's a narcissist and likes attention. But good grief, he could just make another reality tv show if it's the spotlight he wanted. You know what I believe? Donald Trump loves America. He's proud of his country, he loves his fellow citizens, and he's willing to show up and put up against an establishment that has been the epitome of sweeping things under the rug.
I see a President who loves his supporters. Touching the face of a man without arms.
Embracing a wounded veteran.
Hugging the American flag, for Pete's sake.
He is the most ridiculed, abused, insulted President of my lifetime, maybe ever. And it disgusts me because I feel he embodies what a President of the United States of America should be. He's not afraid to tell it like it is. He's not afraid to kick ass and take names, even when it makes him unpopular. He loves the people, he loves being a showman, and he loves the military. This man is proud to be an American. I don't have to wear a tin foil hat or belong to a cult to believe that.
I am proud to say that I voted for Donald Trump in both elections. Not because I like a crass, boastful, often insulting, politically INCORRECT leader. Not at all. I am proud because I love America, and I believe, then and now, that he truly wants to make America great again.
I don't know what's going to happen in the next days or weeks. Maybe my prayers will be answered. Maybe I'll have to buckle down and try not to let the nation's upheaval infiltrate my little life. I have never attended a rally or march, for anything, but I wish so much that I could be in Washington DC on Wednesday to support Americans as they support President Trump. I am praying for our country.